Christian BoyLove Forum #66146

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What to do?

Posted by Justchecking24 on 2014-01-09 05:25:36, Thursday
In reply to Sorry to hear that posted by Eldad on 2014-01-06 12:53:02, Monday

My main concern is if this is when I truly should accept defeat. I still have means of contacting her, should I try to repair the relationship for the sake of my YF and the rest of the family? I've never been in this situation before. I have lost YFs in the past, but not like this. I don't know when I have given it enough effort, but it feels like I can still do more to make this right. Jesus never gave up, how could I do any less? He knew it would be the death of him, but that was a sacrifice he knew he had to make. I don't want to push until I am in jail, but she needs enough of a push to see the light. I find myself questioning myself in these situations.

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