Christian BoyLove Forum #63582

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Sounds like you are doing a great job with your YF

Posted by Eldad on 2010-10-06 09:18:41, Wednesday
In reply to this has been on my mind posted by Youth?? on 2010-10-06 07:27:37, Wednesday

Yes - you may not conceive of him as your YF, but if he has been sufficiently open with you as to tell you about his appreciation for naked males, you've got a serious relationship there. And you need to be willing to give him a lot of space if he wants to spend time with you - you may well be the most important person in his life (yeah - I know his mum should be, but he's a teenager, which is when you lose sight of the significance of your parents in your life). Just be conscious that he might make a pass at you - be ready for the possibility, it does happen, and you need to be able to resist the temptation without giving him a sense of being totally rejected.

I'm not so convinced by your attitude to the proposed mosque in New York. The first thing to realise is that it's not on the site of the attack - it's several blocks away. Given that, it makes little sense to interpret it as the marker of victory that you are suggesting. The reality is that almost all religious groups have a history of physically attacking others at some point; we do better to assume that most Muslims don't endorse the 911 attacks than indulge in an emotionally driven response that undermines our own commitment to have learnt from the past to be religiously tolerant, however much we might find their behaviour obnoxious. True freedom of speech is to allow the other to offend us - otherwise it's of no real value.

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